Vitamin E linked to prostate cancer

DEAR DR. GOTT: The news is full of negative comments on vitamins these days, particularly vitamin E and its involvement with prostate cancer. My husband has had prostate-related issues for the past couple of years that his urologist has been keeping an eye on, so to speak. And, he takes vitamin E.

We don’t have an appointment for about three weeks and would like your views on the subject. Maybe you can shed some light on what appears to be a rather complex issue.

DEAR READER: Vitamin E is a fat-soluble antioxidant found in margarine, dressings and corn, sunflower, soybean, safflower, and wheat germ oils.
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Review of vitamins D and E

DEAR DR. GOTT: I’ve heard a lot of mixed things about vitamins D and E. Can you tell me the good and the bad about them? Thank you.

DEAR READER: Vitamin D is fat-soluble, meaning that it is stored by the body for future use. It can be produced within the body during exposure to sunlight and is also available in some foods and through supplements. Before the body can use it, however, it must undergo two changes. The first occurs in the liver, the second in the kidneys. At this point, it is now active and ready for use in the body.
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Touting the virtues of vitamin E

DEAR DR. GOTT: Many years ago, I suffered from frequent cramps in my legs and toes, mostly at night. At the suggestion of an older relative, I took a vitamin E capsule, which she said would relieve the pain. Much to my surprise, the pain was gone about five minutes after taking it.

Twelve years ago, I had radial-nerve surgery, which was successful. I was able to use my arm and hand without any problems. However, if I engaged in an activity such as playing cards or knitting, where my hand was in the same position for any length of time, my hand cramped up and was painful. I tried the vitamin E capsule (400 IU) twice a day and very rarely have cramping anywhere in my body. If I do have a problem, I take an extra capsule immediately with the same result.
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