Live Longer, Live Better

Live Longer,  Live BetterPurchase “Live Longer, Live Better” at Quill Driver Books

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The guide for taking charge of your health! This primer for better health, by America’s most popular medical columnist, is an easy-to-understand, comprehensive guide that will become your turn to resource whenever you have health concerns.

Answers for all your health questions: Prevention, Alternative therapies, Allergies, Cancer, Cholesterol, Osteoporosis, Diabetes, Stroke, Diet and dieting, Depression, Gastrointestinal, Sleeping well, Memory loss, Hypertension, Heart disease, Arthritis, Chronic pain, Skin care, Managing health care costs, End of life decisions… and more!

“Remember, the doctor is there to serve you. Your understanding of your affliction is not a privilege-it’s a right.” -Peter H. Gott, M.D.

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