Scabies are difficult to eradicate

DEAR DR. GOTT: My daughter and granddaughter contracted scabies about one and a half months ago. They have developed skin conditions due to the treatment. My daughter has covered everything in plastic, sprays with enzymes, soaked in sulfur baths (thus the skin reaction), and is at her wits’ end because she is still seeing red marks on her skin and is afraid to treat herself any further. What is your recommendation? Please help!

DEAR READER: Scabies is a condition caused by a mites that burrow into the skin, sometimes causing extreme itching and irregular red lines with tiny blisters or bumps above the burrow tracks. It is highly contagious but readily treatable.
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Putting a name to the itch

DEAR DR. GOTT: I live in a retirement center and am blessed to be able to attend church groups and other organizations — some for over 70 years. Many try to let my age speak for me but I want to continue to enjoy life as long as possible.

Equilibrium has been a problem and I am now using a wheel chair. I have had surgery twice for cancer but am still searching for help.

I also have extreme itching coming out of the pores of my ankles. For years I inquired of doctors, nurses and a dermatologist with no answers. Some prescribed their favorite ointment or lotion but I have never received any real answers or help. In the beginning only one ankle was affected, then both at the same time. [Read more...]

Palm rash baffles docs

DEAR DR. GOTT: In 1998 I noticed the fleshy part of my palms were bright red. Eventually the redness extended to the entire palms and went up and over the tips of my finger. Later, the soles of my feet turned red and it progressed up and over my toes. Sometimes my knees and insteps are red. Now the redness has appeared as ragged splotches on my arms and face.

My showers, of course, increase the redness; however, lately the palms of my hands blanch after a shower, look almost translucent and the redness appears under the skin as pale pink. After an hour or so the blanching disappears and the redness comes back. I have no itching or pain.

Over the years I’ve asked many doctors what causes it and with few exceptions have been told “no idea”. [Read more...]

Foot itch has many causes

DEAR DR. GOTT: Recently, after being on my feet for up to 10 hours, I got a rash around my ankles and the tops of my feet, and sometimes it goes up my legs. Tender to the touch, it is more noticeable the longer I am on my feet. It disappears after a few days if I’m not on my feet constantly.

DEAR READER: Common causes of foot rash are dry skin, heat exposure, fungus and spider-vein itch. If your feet are dry, rub them with a lanolin-based cream. If heat could be the culprit, change to footwear such as sandals or canvas sneakers, and wear light cotton socks. Fungal infection might be treated with a topical medicated product or a trip to your physician for a prescription. Spider-vein itch is treated with elastic stockings and alternative remedies.

Daughter needs attentive physician

DEAR DR. GOTT: I hope you can help my daughter, as I am worried about her. She is not getting the help she needs. In February 2009, she started suffering from a skin condition on her scalp, which flakes. She also started losing large amounts of hair. She then developed a rash on her face and body.
She has been seen by three doctors and four dermatologists all connected to a local medical center, which is part of a college. One of them said she had polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), and another said she didn’t. She has had nine lab tests, including a CA-125, a testosterone test and a DHEA test. She is still waiting for some of the results because the doctors and medical center are being lax about sending the information to her new off-campus physician. [Read more...]

Yet another use for vinegar

DEAR DR. GOTT: I have three new uses for vinegar that I am sure you have not heard of before. I enjoy your common-sense approach to medicine and thought that you would enjoy these.
First, for years, I suffered from the itching and pain of psoriasis. I used every over-the-counter cream and lotion I could find, but nothing helped. On a whim, I started rubbing the affected areas (my arms, legs and hands) with distilled white vinegar. It hurts like the dickens for a few seconds, but it clears up the scaly patches. I now use it regularly to clear up spots as they appear.
Second, I had warts under my eyes that I couldn’t get rid of. I carefully applied it with a cotton swab. In a few days, the warts came off. [Read more...]