Palm rash baffles docs

DEAR DR. GOTT: In 1998 I noticed the fleshy part of my palms were bright red. Eventually the redness extended to the entire palms and went up and over the tips of my finger. Later, the soles of my feet turned red and it progressed up and over my toes. Sometimes my knees and insteps are red. Now the redness has appeared as ragged splotches on my arms and face.

My showers, of course, increase the redness; however, lately the palms of my hands blanch after a shower, look almost translucent and the redness appears under the skin as pale pink. After an hour or so the blanching disappears and the redness comes back. I have no itching or pain.

Over the years I’ve asked many doctors what causes it and with few exceptions have been told “no idea”. [Read more...]

Dealing with dry mouth and increased thirst

DEAR DR. GOTT: What health concerns are indicated by dry mouth and an insatiable thirst?

DEAR READER: Dry mouth is a rather vague symptom and can be an indication of several disorders or side effects of certain medications or habits, such as smoking. Increased thirst can result as the body attempts to restore moisture to the mouth.

Because your letter is so short, I cannot provide a definitive answer, but based on your wording, I will give you some information about the two most likely (in my mind) candidates: Sjogren’s syndrome and diabetes insipidus.

Sjogren’s syndrome is an immune-system disorder caused by the body mistakenly attacking itself. It affects the mucous membranes and moisture-secreting glands, causing decreased production. It most commonly affects the eyes and mouth.
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Dry mouth has many causes

DEAR DR. GOTT: I am experiencing dry mouth. What are the causes and what can I do to overcome it? My doctor did blood work, and I don’t have Sjogren’s syndrome.

DEAR READER: There are countless causes for dry mouth. I will review a few of the more common possibilities. Medications, both over-the-counter and prescription, are often to blame. Are you on any decongestant, antihistamine, antihypertensive, anxiety or anti-diarrheal medication? Are you elderly? Do you have a history of Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, cancer or stroke? Do you smoke, snore or are you a mouth breather? [Read more...]