Depression linked to medication

DEAR DR. GOTT: I’m 20 years old and have been on birth control from the time I was 13. I’ve been depressed all my life. I think the medication causes my depression to worsen. I also have polycystic ovary syndrome. I tried metformin instead of birth control. It made me sick but less depressed. Can you tell me of a birth-control medication that will not cause depression?

DEAR READER: Medications can definitely cause feelings of sadness, despair and discouragement. All are feelings commonly associated with depression.
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Making excuses for obesity

DEAR DR. GOTT: My 38-year-old granddaughter is convinced that because she has polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), she cannot lose weight. She is grossly overweight, and I am concerned about her future. She sees an endocrinologist about once a year, and takes thyroid medication and niacin for cholesterol. Can she be helped? Thank you for your consideration of this serious problem.

DEAR READER: PCOS is a hormonal disorder that commonly begins when a female begins menstruation; however, it can develop later in life.
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Daughter needs attentive physician

DEAR DR. GOTT: I hope you can help my daughter, as I am worried about her. She is not getting the help she needs. In February 2009, she started suffering from a skin condition on her scalp, which flakes. She also started losing large amounts of hair. She then developed a rash on her face and body.
She has been seen by three doctors and four dermatologists all connected to a local medical center, which is part of a college. One of them said she had polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), and another said she didn’t. She has had nine lab tests, including a CA-125, a testosterone test and a DHEA test. She is still waiting for some of the results because the doctors and medical center are being lax about sending the information to her new off-campus physician. [Read more...]