Menopausal woman can’t sleep

DEAR DR. GOTT: I have been going through menopause for the past seven years and have made it through the difficult phase. However, I have a problem staying asleep. I fall asleep most of the time with no problem but will stay asleep for about two hours. Then I can’t fall asleep again. Do you have a solution to this problem other than using estrogen?

DEAR READER: As you are aware, hormonal changes occur during menopause. Those changes can produce symptoms of insomnia that can range from transient and temporary to chronic and annoying. A woman actually goes through three phases: perimenopause, menopause and postmenopause. During the first stage, estrogen levels can decline, resulting in abnormal cycles, hot flashes and temporary insomnia. Menopause occurs when a woman has remained free of a cycle for 12 months. [Read more...]