Bruising more common as we age

DEAR DR. GOTT: I enjoy your column. I’m a 68-year-old female in good health but recently developed unsightly red bruise marks on my arms and legs. These seem to occur without my even knowing that I have hit something. Sometimes the skin breaks, and it is hard to stop the bleeding. My dermatologist says the bruises are due to lost skin elasticity.

I grew up in an era when sunscreen was unknown. Do you know of anything that would help? The only thing the dermatologist recommended was to moisturize.

DEAR READER: You share a common problem with many other people. As we age, our skin becomes thinner and loses some of the fat that cushions our blood vessels against injury. [Read more…]

Thin skin normal in elderly

DEAR DR. GOTT: This question has probably been asked and anwered, but here goes. I have noticed as I get older that my skin seems to be thinner. Minor scratches and bumps now seem to take forever to heal, but just a few years ago, they would have healed in just a few days. Is there anything we can do to toughen up our skin?

DEAR READER: Fragile, thin skin is age-related. as we grow older, the skin becomes more easily injured. There is no treatment for this condtion except to apply moistuizing cream if the skin is dry.

Daily Column

This question has probably been asked and answered but here goes. I have noticed as I get older my skin seems to be thinner. Minor scratches and bumps now seem to take forever to heal but just a few years ago, they would have healed in just a few days. Is there anything we can do to toughen up our skins?

Fragile, thin skin is age-related; as we grow older the skin becomes more easily injured. There is no treatment for this condition to my knowledge except to apply moisturizing cream if the skin is dry.