A new format for column

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Ask Dr. Gott has successfully appeared in the format you read daily, either on line or in your local newspaper. It has come to our attention, however, that some readers feel the style should be modified so it no longer resembles the newspaper column that made Dr. Gott a household name and famous as a syndicated medical columnist for so many years. The modification has already been in process for several months and is being worked on as you read this notice.

Dr. Gott’s staff is unaware of the proposed format that is being designed and which will take about a month more to get up and running. In the interim, favorite columns will reappear and readers will be the first to know of the style that has been chosen for continuation of his column. We have been honored to represent a column we were proud of that answered questions in a form most readers could easily understand and enjoy.

Stay tuned.

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