NFNS diet questions

DEAR DR. GOTT: I love your No Flour, No Sugar diet but I am confused about one thing. I am a lacto-ovo-vegetarian (I don’t eat any meat but do consume eggs and dairy). Once in a while I like to eat the vegetarian meat substitutes that are on the market. Your list of approved foods in the No Flour, No Sugar book lists vegetarian meat substitutes as okay, but I have yet to find a brand that is totally void of sugars. I can tell by the ingredient list that the amount is minute, as the nutritional label lists one gram of sugar per burger. Some have a small amount of whole grain flours in them as well. Are these still okay to eat?

Also, I notice we can have low-fat mayo and soups, but again, I have yet to find a broth-based soup like lentil or veggie that doesn’t have a teeny amount of sugar it. There are no mayo products on the market that are totally sugar free, although the label lists 0 sugar gram [Read more...]

Diet causes blood pressure changes

DEAR DR. GOTT: I have been on your diet since February and have lost 10-15 pounds. I didn’t realize that it could lower my blood pressure in addition to the weight loss. I began noticing dizziness periodically during the day so my cardiologist reduced my blood pressure medicine. Recently I noticed I was still having some dizziness and got winded with little exertion so my doctor had me hospitalized where I was diagnosed with hypotension. All’s well now but I suggest that you make it clear that your diet can also cause lowered blood pressure so that those on medication can be alert to the problem of hypotension. Thanks.

DEAR READER: I do specifically mention that weight loss in general as well as from my diet, can reduce blood pressure (as well as cholesterol, blood sugar, and more) in my book “Dr. Gott’s No Flour, No Sugar Diet”. I have also recommended weight loss as an aid to [Read more...]

NFNS diet questions answered

DEAR DR. GOTT: Thank you for your wonderful book. I’m sure you hear this a “bazillion” times a days but this I the only diet I can stick to. I’ve done Atkins’, Weight Watchers, MediFast, VLCD, and more but yours is just wonderful and I don’t feel deprived.

I have quick question. With the Ezekiel 4:9 bread, how many slices are allowed per day? I know you explained not to go “hog wild” and to watch portion control but at 80 calories a slice, I’ve been eating a slice with avocado for breakfast and then a 2-slice sandwich with eggs for lunch. Is this allowed?

Also, are other Ezekiel products allowed if they are sans flour and sugar? Their cereals and pastas are also made from sprouted grains and a flourless.
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Diet becomes a lifestyle change

DEAR DR. GOTT: I am writing because I have been a Dr. Gott follower for years. Thanks to a column years ago in which I read about thyroid symptoms, I went to my doctor and was diagnosed with hypothyroidism. I have battled my weight since my 30s. I lost weight on the Atkins diet but gained it back after a few years. Finally, this year at 52, I decided to try the No Flour, No Sugar Diet with my husband. I wanted it to be a lifestyle change that we could follow, not a diet. Of course, I wanted to lose weight but it wasn’t my number one priority, my health was. Four months later, I am 20 pounds lighter! Thank you. It’s easy and I feel better. My husband has lost about the same. We feel that it’s an easy lifestyle change that we can follow each day.

DEAR READER: Congratulations to you and your husband for not only losing the weight, but for taking an active role in improving your health.
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“Patient is Obese” hard to handle

DEAR DR. GOTT: The past six weeks have been amazing. I am a 46-year-old male, six feet tall. On October 13, 2011 I was at the doctor’s for a blood pressure check up. They weighed me and the scale said I weighed 244 pounds which is the highest I have ever weighed. In the lab room, I saw the computer terminal and it said in big red letters “PATIENT IS OBESE”. That got me thinking. I had already been miserable in my dress clothes at work for a few years. My doctor had said I needed to lose some weight and to check out a diet or two but those he recommended didn’t work for me. Then I decided to go without sugar sweet desserts at night, which since I was a kid, I had eaten each and every night no matter how full I was from dinner.
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Dextrose is sugar

DEAR DR. GOTT: I am on your no-flour, no-sugar diet and using your cookbook. One recipe calls for dates. The dates I purchased have dextrose in them. Is this ingredient a sugar that is taboo on your diet?

DEAR READER: Dextrose, sucrose and glucose are all simple sugars. The primary difference between all three is in the way the body metabolizes them. Some manufacturers and packers for food-industry products prefer to use the word dextrose instead of sugar because the public is becoming more savvy and might not purchase a product if weight is an issue for them.
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Reader learns about self on Gott diet

DEAR DR. GOTT: I am a 72-year-old woman who has lived with a weight problem since puberty. My husband and I have been on the no-flour, no-sugar diet for the past 10 weeks. Although the weight loss is slow, there are some things I have learned about myself. First, after years of yo-yoing on Weight Watchers, including being a lecturer for them, I never learned how to keep it off. Secondly, I discovered that I have an addiction to flour and sugar products. I suffered withdrawal symptoms when I first gave them up. I don’t know why I didn’t know this before, but it is possible I didn’t want to face it. This program of eating is finally a way of life and not a diet. Thank you for helping me to become aware.
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Popcorn OK on Gott diet

DEAR DR. GOTT: I started your diet six days ago. I have lost one pound and am thrilled. I wonder if I can eat popcorn as a snack while on your diet. I pop it in olive oil and don’t use butter.

DEAR READER: Congratulations on your initial success. A weight loss of about one pound per week is average and healthful while on my no-flour, no-sugar diet.
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How to get a NFNS diet book

DEAR DR. GOTT: I would like to receive a copy of your “No Flour, No Sugar Diet.” How may I order it?

DEAR READER: Oddly enough, your request is not unique. I receive inquiries every day, and my website has specific instructions for ordering. Most of my books are offered on the bottom of the “About” page, but if a reader doesn’t scroll to the bottom of the page, the section is likely missed. We are presently working on a more user-friendly site with better links that will assist readers. In any event, follow the links that will take you directly to Thank you for your inquiry.

No Flour, No Sugar for better health

DEAR DR. GOTT: I read your column every day in the Fresno Bee, but I missed your article on your no-flour, no-sugar diet. I’m 100 pounds overweight and have tried every diet known. I know it’s never too late to start a healthier lifestyle.

DEAR READER: You have several options. The first is to order my “A Strategy for Losing Weight: Introduction to the No Flour, No Sugar Diet.” Simply send a self-addressed stamped No. 10 envelope and a $2 check or money order to Newsletter, P.O. Box 167, Wickliffe, OH 44092-0167. Be sure to mention the title or print an order form off my website at My books, “Dr. Gott’s No Flour, No Sugar Diet” and “No Flour, No Sugar Cookbook,” can be ordered by following the links on my website. You’re on the right track, and it is never too late to take steps to improve your health. Good luck.