DEAR DR. GOTT: I love your No Flour, No Sugar diet but I am confused about one thing. I am a lacto-ovo-vegetarian (I don’t eat any meat but do consume eggs and dairy). Once in a while I like to eat the vegetarian meat substitutes that are on the market. Your list of approved foods in the No Flour, No Sugar book lists vegetarian meat substitutes as okay, but I have yet to find a brand that is totally void of sugars. I can tell by the ingredient list that the amount is minute, as the nutritional label lists one gram of sugar per burger. Some have a small amount of whole grain flours in them as well. Are these still okay to eat?
Also, I notice we can have low-fat mayo and soups, but again, I have yet to find a broth-based soup like lentil or veggie that doesn’t have a teeny amount of sugar it. There are no mayo products on the market that are totally sugar free, although the label lists 0 sugar gram [Read more...]