Alzheimer’s a concern for the aged

DEAR DR. GOTT: I have an average of three dreams nightly, some of which are upsetting. This started after my wife passed away. I dream about her a lot, but there are many other dreams such as losing my way and trying to get back home, worrying about my family worrying about me, losing my billfold, car being stolen, coming out of church and can’t find the car, church happenings and many other miscellaneous things. I sometimes wonder if this is the doorway to Alzheimer’s. I’m 90 years old and a World War II veteran. I don’t think my problem is normal, but my doctor can’t help me so I will have to rely on you.

DEAR READER: The gradual loss of brain cells causes Alzheimer’s. As we age, we tend to take longer to think things out, yet learning, memory skills, intelligence, judgment and organizational skills should remain intact. Once these skills diminish, when there is trouble with long- and short-term memory loss, remembering names and finding appropriate words, it may be an indication of early Alzheimer’s.
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