More relief for split fingertips

DEAR DR. GOTT: I have had split fingertip problems for 10 years or more but have been able to control it for at least the past five years.

As a practicing veterinarian, I deal with these splits much like I do soft-tissue damage in my patients. Specifically, I treat chronic soft-tissue problems much as I would treat a bone fracture. The prime consideration in proper bone healing is to limit severely any motion of the fracture ends until the bone is well healed.

I apply this principle to the split fingertips by taping the sides of the split together and staying with it until well after the splits are healed.
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OTC product may soften skin on feet and fingers

DEAR DR. GOTT: Tell your readers that A&D Ointment is absolutely wonderful to use on dry areas, such as fingertips, cracked heels, hands, elbows and more. I get cracks in my heels. I have learned to wear only 100 percent cotton socks and not to wear sandals too frequently. Open sandals quickly contribute to dryness and dirt.

I soak the affected area in warm, soapy water (using mild soap) before bedtime, apply the ointment, and then put on the socks. It is amazing how much healing occurs during one night. It can be repeated as often as needed and is also inexpensive and safe.

I have tried this with Vaseline and have found that it doesn’t have the same healing power.
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Split fingertips at risk for infection

DEAR DR. GOTT: I am writing in hopes to get a response for a terrible problem my daughter is having with her fingertips. When she was just out of the Air Force, she began a business cleaning homes. She had her hands in water and chemical cleaners constantly. She hasn’t done that job for the past five years, but since then, she has a cracking of her fingertips that is painful, and they sometimes bleed.

Her pharmacist and family doctor told her that this would probably never heal. She has tried tea-tree oil, Corn Husker’s lotion and every cream we can think of. It used to get worse in the winter but now happens year-round. Would seeing a dermatologist help? Or is this really something that she will have to live with? I’m afraid that she will eventually get a bad infection or something else. She’s now six months pregnant, but anything that you suggest could be held off until after the baby is born.
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