Daily Column

Many months ago, my father developed pain in the prostate area after bike riding. Many doctors and diagnoses later, he is still having pain. It starts in the prostate area and radiates down his left thigh. He has discomfort when sitting and frequent urination. The last opinion we got was that it was caused by muscle damage which was causing the muscle the contract and put pressure on the prostate nerves. Do you have any suggestions?

As a former bike rider, I can assure you that, at times, this activity can cause problems that are troublesome.

If your father has not been examined by a urologist, he should be. The pain your dad has could well be secondary to traumatic muscle injury that may take several months to resolve — longer if he continues to ride.

His symptoms may also indicate a urinary tract or bladder infection. A simple culture and sensitivity urine test can shed light on this possibility.

If the urologist can find no cause within the prostate and bladder, I recommend your father see an orthopedic specialist. Perhaps while riding, he may have herniated, bulged or torn a disc, putting pressure on the nerves to his lower body. Sciatica, for example can cause the same symptoms your father is experiencing.

Let’s discover the cause of his pain while he is standing around looking gloomily at his bike.