Daily Column

In a recent article published in your column, you stated that “outdated medications can be discarded easily by flushing them down the toilet”.

We in Niagara County, NY, are currently working on a Pharmaceutical Waste Collection Program because, in part, an Associated Press article in the spring of 2008 reported on a five month inquiry into the drinking water of 62 metropolitan areas and 51 smaller cities. They found that the drinking water of at least 24 American cities contains trace amounts of a wide array of pharmaceuticals and their by-products. These include antibiotics, heart medications, psychiatric drugs, hormones such as those in birth control pills, and others.

Municipal drinking water supplies are extensively regulated by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), [Read more...]

Daily Column

You recently responded to a reader who wanted to know how to dispose of outdated medication. I feel your answer directing the population to further contaminate our water supplies by flushing them down the toilet is completely inappropriate. This is totally against all and any safety regulations. Why are you so driven to destroy our environment? If perchance you correct your article, you will have already done insurmountable damage by the time your response appears in print.

Since my article appeared in late May, I have received several letters on the subject. While some were not as strong as yours, I have chosen to address the subject again with the hope I can redeem myself.

Unused over-the-counter and prescription medications can be found in almost every household, nursing home and hospital in the country. [Read more...]