On Paget’s of the bone

DEAR DR. GOTT: I am an 83-year-old woman. One of my many health problems is bone Paget’s disease. When I was 72, my left thigh bent so bad that it fractured. My left leg was also shorter, and I had to have a rod put in from my knee to my hip. That did not stop the disease, but it helped a lot with the pain. Then my leg got shorter again, and I was told my hipbone was bending as the left thigh did.

I went to a new doctor, who put me on Actonel for 30 days. He said he was sure that I would be rid of the Paget’s, which I really could not believe.

For the past two years, every blood test I have taken for alk phos has been below normal. I think normal is 119, and my last test was 84. My hip is still bent, but has not gotten any worse. I recommend anyone with Paget’s see an endocrinologist, and I hope they will get the same results as I did.
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Daily Column

I am a 54-year-old female. One year ago I had a DEXA scan which showed severe osteopenia. I have GERD and a hiatal hernia and cannot take biphosphonate pills so my doctor put me on Boniva IV.

My question however, doesn’t have to do with the medication. Just before having the DEXA scan, I noticed several enlarged bones in my right foot and ankle. I was tested for Paget’s disease but the results were negative. At my last physical exam, my doctor noticed that my left shoulder blade had enlarged. I have seen several doctors and none can tell me what is causing my bones to enlarge. Do you have any ideas?

Because you do not say what type of testing you have had and what types of doctors you have seen I can only give you general suggestions. If these are repeats of what has been done or said, I apologize. [Read more...]