NAMI excellent resource on mental illness

DEAR DR. GOTT: Many of us have lived the frustration of trying to get help for a mentally ill adult daughter. Because the brain is the dysfunctioning organ in this illness, the person has no insight into the condition and, thus, refuses to help. Most mentally ill people know how to “shape up” when appearing before a judge so it’s difficult to have the person deemed a “danger to themselves or others,” which is the criteria for forced treatment in most states. The tragic part is the fine line between dangerous and non-dangerous and, way too often, the first evidence that would enable this classification causes death or injury to an innocent person or a mentally ill person. I would recommend that parents attend a support group in their area for families of the mentally ill. A good place to start is
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Readers provide more help for schizophrenia

DEAR DR. GOTT: I read your column about the family with a daughter/sister with schizophrenia. I agree with the advice that you provided the family: Seek psychiatric help for the daughter/sister. I would also like to add a suggestion: Let the family and all your other readers know about NAMI National.

This is a grassroots organization with a mission to educate, support and advocate for families and consumers. It has more than 200,000 members worldwide. There are NAMI affiliates in all 50 states. For more information, the website is
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