Nails tell a lot about a person

Q: I have seen some interesting articles in your column and am wondering if in your knowledge or experience you have heard of or know of anything that I can add to my diet or something I can do to make my fingernails stronger.

Thank you in advance for any attention you give this problem.

A: Nails, like teeth and eyes, are often the things a person will notice about you almost immediately. You extend your arm to shake hands. Your hands are on display and very much in the limelight. Therefore, it is appropriate to keep your nails and hands (as well as the rest of your body) looking healthy. Many people have fingernails that break easily, are ridged, turn yellow, and are brittle. Actually, all of these unwanted symptoms may be indicative of simple dehydration. There’s also question that a nutritional deficiency may have a bearing but this remains controversial.
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