MS may not be as scary for some

DEAR DR. GOTT: I have noticed every time you mention multiple sclerosis in your column, that you write with such gloom and doom regarding this disease. Surely you realize that there are many people walking around with this diagnosis and you would not even suspect that they have been diagnosed with MS.

I, myself, was diagnosed in 1994. My first neurologist told me to take a multi-vitamin and come back to see in him six months. When I returned, he said, “I thought you would be a lot worse by now based on the results of your MRI, so maybe you don’t have MS.” I asked, if I didn’t have MS, then what did I have? He responded, “I have no idea, but keep taking your multi-vitamin and come back to see me in six months.” Needless to say, I did not go back.
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Rare disorder has limited treatment options

DEAR DR. GOTT: About a year and a half ago, I was diagnosed with NMO, or Devic’s disease. I have a mild case so far. It started with shingles and morphed into the NMO. My left side is numb, with my left hand hypersensitive. The right side of my neck is what bothers me. I cannot get it, my hips and shoulders to stop aching. The treatment for NMO is steroids, and I am also on Imuran.

There isn’t much information on NMO/Devic’s. Do you have any idea how to treat this kind of pain? Any natural pain alleviations?
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MS linked to constipation

DEAR DR. GOTT: My son has progressive multiple sclerosis and is suffering with abnormal bowel movements. They’re very hard and large. His doctor recommended Colace, Fleet enemas and suppositories, but they don’t seem to help. His diet right now is baby food, hot cereal and pureed prunes, along with electrolytes and other liquids. He also takes vitamins and lots of medication for depression.

We try different things every few days but are running out of ideas. Your information has been so valuable. I read your column every day in our local newspaper. Any suggestions?

DEAR READER: For readers who may not fully understand multiple sclerosis, this disorder occurs when the body’s immune system attacks itself, destroying the protective sheath that covers the nerves. [Read more...]

Will MS respond to herbals?

DEAR DR. GOTT: Please give me information on multiple sclerosis. Do you recommend any holistic or natural supplements that are helpful in treating the condition? My 41-year-old daughter-in-law has just been diagnosed with it. Thank you. Your column is very informative.

DEAR READER: Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune disease that occurs when the body’s immune system destroys the protective sheath covering the nerves. This, in turn, interferes with signals between the brain and the remainder of the body, resulting in nerve deterioration.
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MS sufferer has salty mouth

DEAR DR. GOTT: I have a friend who has MS. She has a new problem that the many tests she has taken have shed no light on for the cause or remedy. Everything she eats tastes salty, and she has a salty taste in her mouth all the time. Needless to say, this has affected her appetite and is causing her much anxiety. She only takes medication for high blood pressure, as well as a monthly vitamin B12 shot and a recently added weekly vitamin D shot. Do you have any idea what would cause the new symptom? What can she do to get rid of it?

DEAR READER: Multiple sclerosis is generally considered to be an autoimmune disease that affects the central nervous system. From your brief note, it is my guess that your friend has had the condition for some time. [Read more...]