Oxygen for migraines?

DEAR DR. GOTT: Many, MANY years ago, probably the 4th year in my career as a flight attendant, I was on a cross-country overnight flight. All was quiet and most of my passengers were asleep except one. I watched as he tried to find a comfortable position, fidgeted around and finally ended up bent over with his head in his hands. I finally asked what I could do to make him feel better. “Nothing”, he said. When asked if he felt like he was going to pass out, he just nodded. I got an ammonia inhalant, popped it, and waved it under his nose, then put it in his hand. I returned to the buffet area. A few minutes later, he was standing by me with a bewildered look on his face. “How did you know what to do”, he asked. When explaining I just thought he looked dizzy, he indicated he’d had migraine headaches forever and this was the first time something had completely stopped one…just like THAT! We were both amazed and I’ve always wanted to check it out. I’ve waited much too long to ask you about it. Maybe it has something to do with enlarging blood vessels. So, what happened?
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Reader finds help for abdominal migraines

DEAR DR. GOTT: I have had abdominal migraines for the past eight years. I had to retire from my teaching position because of them. In the past two weeks, since your article appeared, I found that stress and anxiety caused the daily occurrence of migraines. An anti-anxiety drug is assisting in my mission to find some sense of balance. We need more doctors like you to add to the existing information. Keep me posted on your new discoveries.

DEAR READER: I’m glad I could help. I will definitely provide an update as new developments unravel.
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Migraines controlled by smoking?

DEAR DR. GOTT: I am a 44-year-old female with migraines. I am otherwise healthy with no other medical problems, but I’m about 30 pounds overweight. I was diagnosed with migraines at age 12 and was put on medication, but because of the side effects, my parents chose to take me off it, and until recently, I haven’t had any trouble.

After smoking for 15 years, I finally quit when my mother passed away from lung cancer. Almost immediately after quitting smoking, my migraines came back and were so bad that I couldn’t function. With three active children, this was not an option for me, so I started smoking again, and the headaches went away.
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Daily Column

My daughter has been using Excedrin Migraine for about 20 years now and I fear it is damaging her kidneys.

She is a very active 44-year-old who lives and works in an office as an attorney. She takes the Excedrin whenever she has her menstrual cycle which cures her of the accompanying headaches. Is there an alternative solution?

Acetaminophen and salicylates combine to relieve pain and reduce fever. Several reports have indicated the duo may cause kidney damage or cancer of the kidneys or bladder. The side effects can occur if large doses are taken for a very long time. Taken according to recommended dosing and for short periods, these unwanted side effects are unlikely.

If your daughter takes Excedrin Migraine once a month during her menstrual cycle, [Read more…]

Daily Column

I am a 40-year-old woman and suffer from headaches. I have seen several doctors who diagnosed me with a migraine or stress headache. I have seen my general physician several times over the years but he has not ordered any testing. He told me I have migraines and gave me a narcotic medication to take as needed.

I was wondering if there is a possibility that the headaches were caused by head trauma? During a previous marriage my husband was abusive and beat my head against concrete. I was also in a car accident a few years later where my head went through the windshield. I was never tested with an MRI or CT scan following these injuries. I don’t recall if the headaches started after one of the events but I do know that they have been increasing in severity over time. [Read more…]