Are probiotics the answer?

DEAR DR. GOTT: I am a 66-year-old male who has undergone two small bowel resections in the past year to free up adhesions caused by a previous colon resection for diverticulitis. I am worried my system may never get back to normal. I went from 240 to 200 pounds after the first procedure and from 200 to 180 pounds following the second one. I think I am suffering from malabsorption because I am very low on energy and my thyroid medication (Synthroid) needed to be increased despite the weight loss.

I have also become very lactose intolerant which I have read can result from small bowel surgery and antibiotics. I think probiotics are a good idea to repopulate the gut with good bacteria after being on any type of oral antibiotics. Do you feel it is necessary to take a probiotic daily or would I get the same results if I take one every other day, as the better brands are very expensive? [Read more…]