Milk thistle and hep C

DEAR DR. GOTT: I am a 60-year-old male with hepatitis C. I’m doing as much research as I can on this subject and would like your opinion on milk thistle and its benefits, if any.

DEAR READER: There are six hepatitis viruses, A, B, C, D, E and G, with C commonly considered to be the most serious. All forms attack the liver by causing inflammation that results in that organ’s inability to function normally. With a long-standing diagnosis of hep C, cirrhosis, scarring and even cancer can result.
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Should reader find a new physician?

DEAR DR. GOTT: My doctor has told me that I have lymphedema and should take a water pill. When the 20 milligrams wasn’t sufficient, she put me on 40 milligrams. Because I wanted to know more about my condition to better educate myself about things to do and not do, I looked online. It appeared to me that my doctor should be looking for the cause of the swelling, not just treating it. So I pressed her into doing more. She ordered a CT scan of my pelvis, a heart echo and a venous Doppler. My CT scan showed a lesion on my liver and no abnormalities of the kidneys. The Doppler was negative, and I don’t have the results of the echo, even though it was done more than a month ago. [Read more...]