What do lab results indicate?

DEAR DR. GOTT: Our daughter, age seven, is high functioning with Down syndrome and celiac disease. She is 42 ½ inches tall, 53 pounds and her BP is 105/71. She was born one month early with two holes in her heart which healed on their own by age 18 months. She has only been ill with a cold three times in all her seven years.

We were having her CBCs run annually until last year when we were told to run them every six months; but, as of latest report, we have been told that blood work now needs to be done every three months. Our biggest concern is leukemia; however, I have been reading that her results can point to other things. Below is a list of concerns, supplements and blood work results. Could you please let me know if you see any red flags or if you have any concerns you think we should address and who we should talk to (her regular doctor or a hematologist)?
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