More remedies for cold sores

DEAR DR. GOTT: Last June, you published a column about cold sores, and I thought you might be interested in my experience. I grew up having cold sores occasionally, more often in my childbearing years (I assume because of stress). I began taking garlic pills for another reason and two years later when I discontinued them, I started getting cold sores again. I now take a garlic pill three times a week, daily if I’m stressed, and seldom have the sores. If I feel one coming on, I take garlic morning, noon and night, and the sore never fully develops. I thought this might be of interest to you and your readers.

DEAR READER: I had not heard of garlic pills being beneficial in preventing cold sores prior to your letter. To the best of my knowledge, garlic pills are most commonly used in an attempt to lower cholesterol and blood pressure. I have even had readers tell me that they are beneficial in preventing mosquitoes from biting.
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Cold sores send reader into hiding

DEAR DR. GOTT: I seem to suffer from frequent cold sores and am constantly covering my mouth to hide the unsightly lesions. I have spent a great deal of money on remedies but recently saw a product called Lip Clear Lysine + at my local pharmacy. I don’t know if it’s any better than what I have tried so far and would like your opinion. Can you get me on the right track?

DEAR READER: Cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex virus type 1 and most commonly affect the lips. Less commonly, they can occur on the chin, fingers or in the nostrils, and rarely, they may present in the mouth. These fluid-filled blisters are painful, itchy and contagious, lasting about two weeks. The virus can be spread by sharing the same glass or silverware, kissing, touching and more. [Read more...]