Is Candida albicans diet healthful for a hypochondriac?

DEAR DR. GOTT: My 30-year-old son is a hypochondriac — healthy and strong, but always taking a special supplement or treatment for something. He recently went on a candida diet just when there was a series of family events and a lot of meals out of the home. He just wanted his candida foods. It was so uncomfortable for the hostesses and restaurants we visited. Is this something to be concerned about?

DEAR READER: Candida diets are designed to focus on healing yeast infections from the inside out, strengthen the immune system and eliminate Candida albicans overgrowth from one’s system. This diet recognizes that some symptoms of yeast infection can be cleared rather quickly, while the process of eliminating all Candida albicans cells from the body can take months and may be followed by a lifetime of following this diet.
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