See Physician For Hemorrhoid Relief

I am a 77-year-old female who, from time to time, will suffer from hemorrhoids that swell out. I was wondering if you would write something in the paper about this subject.

Hemorrhoids are veins around the anus or in the lower rectum that becomes swollen and inflamed. They are the result of straining during bowel movements, a condition of aging, chronic constipation, diarrhea, and pregnancy. Excessive rubbing and cleaning around the anus can also lead to irritation, itching and bleeding.

Treatment is geared toward relieving symptoms and there are several methods to be considered. The first is a simple sitz bath two or three times a day that involves putting a small amount of very warm water in a bath tub and squatting in the water. [Read more...]

Daily Column

I have heard different things about the ability of honey to cure hemorrhoids. What experience have you had with this? What amount of honey is used and how often?

I, too, have heard about the wonders of honey relieving symptoms or even curing hemorrhoids. A while back, I even asked my readers to write me about their experiences but I have not received anything as of yet.

As far as amount and frequency, I am unsure but would guess that the amount would be fairly minimal since it can be quite messy. Because it is safe, it can be used as often as necessary. Being used topically, it will not affect blood sugar levels.

I will request again that any of my readers with experience using honey for hemorrhoids write me their experiences.

Daily Column

I am writing in response to the letter asking for help with hemorrhoids. I, too, suffer from them and had difficulty finding products that actually worked to relieve symptoms. I finally found Rutin. It is over-the-counter, inexpensive and for me, works within 20 minutes. The manufacturer states on the bottle that it can be used for hemorrhoids, poor circulation, varicose veins and more.

I also have a solution for skin that bruises easily or appears blotchy. I simply chop or grind a naval orange, peel and all and then eat it with a spoon. I usually mix in some crush pineapple and artificial sweetener to make it taste a bit better. I generally eat one crushed orange over several servings rather than all at once. It generally takes a few days before the bruises and blotches start to clear up. [Read more...]

Daily Column

Ever since my son had hemorrhoid surgery two years ago, he has constantly experienced irritation when eating any food containing sugar or spices. Could this be an allergy or something needing a repair job? He’s been to several doctors, but they don’t have much of an answer for him.

I am not sure whether the irritation you mention refers to his anus, abdomen, or if he has indigestion; I’ll go with evacuation. Spicy foods can certainly be difficult to digest and expel. Perhaps sugar has the same effect on him. In any case, I would simply recommend he avoid the irritants that could represent an allergy of sorts and, pardon the pun, eliminate the problem.

Daily Column

I want to respond to an article regarding hemorrhoids and how hard it was to get rid of them. I would like to tell you about the experience of my husband’s grandmother. During one of her physical exams, her doctor informed her that she had hemorrhoids and would need surgery to repair them. She refused the surgery because she had read an article in Prevention Magazine claiming honey would help heal hemorrhoids. She immediately put honey on everything she could (toast, hot cereal, etc.) and by the time she saw the doctor again they were gone. The doctor noticed and commented on her finally deciding on having the surgery. She then said she didn’t have the surgery and if he looked more closely he would notice the lack of scars. She told him about the honey and how it solved her problem. He was amazed.

Honey for hemorrhoids is new to me. [Read more...]

Reader’s hemorrhoids helped by Vicks

DEAR DR. GOTT: I use Vicks VapoRub for the itching and burning of mild hemorrhoids. I am 88 years old and an old aunt told me about this simple treatment 50 years ago.

It provides excellent relief, is cheaper and works faster that Preparation H. I apply it with a cotton swab. That is all there is to it. The relief is almost instant.

DEAR READER: Several readers have written me suggesting this therapy which I am sharing with the public.

Readers, if you have tried this remedy, please let me know your results, both good and bad. I will print a follow-up in the future. We may have to add this to the ever-growing, “off label” uses of Vicks. Thank you for writing.