See Physician For Hemorrhoid Relief

I am a 77-year-old female who, from time to time, will suffer from hemorrhoids that swell out. I was wondering if you would write something in the paper about this subject.

Hemorrhoids are veins around the anus or in the lower rectum that becomes swollen and inflamed. They are the result of straining during bowel movements, a condition of aging, chronic constipation, diarrhea, and pregnancy. Excessive rubbing and cleaning around the anus can also lead to irritation, itching and bleeding.

Treatment is geared toward relieving symptoms and there are several methods to be considered. The first is a simple sitz bath two or three times a day that involves putting a small amount of very warm water in a bath tub and squatting in the water. Preparation H, other creams and suppositories are available over-the-counter at your local pharmacy.

Treatment by a physician includes rubber band ligation where the internal hemorrhoid is banded, the blood supply is cut off, and the hemorrhoid dries up after several days. Infrared coagulation requires a device to burn hemorrhoidal tissue. Sclerotherapy consists of a chemical solution injected around blood vessels to shrink the hemorrhoids. When these methods fail to produce good results, hemorrhoidectomy, surgical excision, can be done.

I suggest you make an appointment with your primary care physician who can advise you whether to start with an over-the-counter or to undergo a more complex procedure for relief.

About Dr. Gott