Honey helps reader’s cough and RLS

DEAR DR. GOTT: I always enjoy reading your column. You seem to be well-grounded medically, yet open-minded enough to hear new things. I am writing to let you know my experience with restless-legs syndrome.

I am a 57-year-old female. My height and weight are proportionate, and I am healthy overall. When I get fatigued, or just very tired at the end of the day, I am often bothered by RLS. It is annoying to say the least. Generally, I take an aspirin or two, which helps calm things down, but I already have thin blood and don’t like to take more than is necessary. [Read more...]

Prilosec for a cough?

DEAR DR. GOTT: I had a dry, hacking cough all last winter. I finally went to an allergist, had a good work-up, and several ideas were put forth. I was told when all else fails and as a last resort, try over-the-counter Prilosec, the heartburn medication. Very much to my surprise, it worked. No more cough! As long as I continue to take one tablet daily, I’m free of the annoyance.

DEAR READER: Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) commonly causes heartburn and a sour taste in the mouth; however, nearly half of all sufferers experience a chronic cough with no other symptoms. If the heartburn medication works, you probably have GERD. [Read more...]