Fungal infection of the scalp

DEAR DR. GOTT: My dermatologist told me that I have a fungal infection in my scalp. He gave me a shampoo that didn’t help and also made my hair very dry and unhealthy looking. I am now beginning to lose my hair every time I brush and wash it. It comes out in strands and doesn’t grow. I’m getting a small bald spot in the front and don’t know what to do or where to turn. Can you please help me?

DEAR READER: Fungal scalp infections, also known as tinea capitis or ringworm of the scalp, are relatively common. Caused by a moldlike fungus, the condition is very contagious.

Symptoms include scalp itch, inflammation, pus-filled lesions, small black dots on the scalp and areas of the head that appear bald because the hair has literally broken off.
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