Daily Column

My son has bumps on his head. They itch and break open. He has had them for three years and once a year he sees a skin doctor who told him he had folliculitis. He has been put on 500 mg of ampicillin daily. It helps but if he stops, they come back.

My son is now 24 years old and I am worried that he will have long-term effects from taking ampicillin for so long. We have tried lots of herbs, tea tree oil and liquid silver but nothing seems to work. I have noticed that you say Vicks is good for fungus but you only recommend it for nail fungus. Is there anything else that can be done for him?

Folliculitis is an inflammation of one or more the hair follicles. It can occur anywhere on the body and is usually the result of shaving, friction from clothing or blockage of the follicle. [Read more...]