When eye twitching isn’t flirtatious winking

DEAR DR. GOTT: For some time now, I have had a left eye that twitches. It began mildly about five years ago and now when it occurs, it closes my left eye and distorts my face. It has proven to be a mystery to me. Owing to this problem, I am not willing to engage in some social activities.

One doctor told me it was not Bell’s palsy. Some of my friends tell me to think of other things to divert the spasm.

DEAR READER: Eye twitching is the involuntary movement of the eyelid. It is most commonly a harmless annoyance that often disappears after a day or two, but on rare occasion and in the presence of facial spasms, it may indicate an early sign of a brain or movement disorder, such as Parkinsonism, Tourette syndrome, dystonia and Bell’s palsy. [Read more...]