DEAR DR. GOTT: Is there any way to get rid of or at least control nose and ear hair? I am a 56-year-old male and have a major problem. I trim it but it is very aggravating.
DEAR READER: Believe it or not, hair in the nose and ears actually has purpose. To begin with, hair in the nose prevents germs, fungus and spores from entering the lungs, acting as a filter. As we inhale, unfiltered air allows any solid particles that are in the air we breathe to enter the body. Thanks to the hairs, instead of the larger particles being taken in, they are trapped in the filtering system and prevented from entering. Further, as air passes through our nasal passages, hair and mucus provide both moisture and heat. We’ve all been out of doors in on a very cold day, attempting to breathe what appears to be frigid air into our lungs. [Read more...]