Hairy situation out of control

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DEAR DR. GOTT: Is there any way to get rid of or at least control nose and ear hair? I am a 56-year-old male and have a major problem. I trim it but it is very aggravating.

DEAR READER: Believe it or not, hair in the nose and ears actually has purpose. To begin with, hair in the nose prevents germs, fungus and spores from entering the lungs, acting as a filter. As we inhale, unfiltered air allows any solid particles that are in the air we breathe to enter the body. Thanks to the hairs, instead of the larger particles being taken in, they are trapped in the filtering system and prevented from entering. Further, as air passes through our nasal passages, hair and mucus provide both moisture and heat. We’ve all been out of doors in on a very cold day, attempting to breathe what appears to be frigid air into our lungs. That moisture and heat help the larynx and lungs accept the cold easier. Debris gets directed toward the back of the throat and allows filtered air to continue to the lungs to help nourish the body.

Your barber may be accustomed to trimming the hair in your nose; however, it should not be removed completely because you will then become extremely susceptible to sinusitis, respiratory infections and possible allergies from flowers, grasses, molds and anything else in the environment you breathe.

Let’s get on to ear hair. There are airborne particles that, were they not stopped at the gate, so to speak, could enter the inner ear. The hair in your ears acts as a filter to keep debris from entering and in its own way, helps fight off ear infections. Most people are unaware of any ear hair they may have because they likely can’t see it when they look into a mirror; however, as a person ages, the hairs become more noticeable – perhaps because of hormonal changes within the body. Or, perhaps a hormone known as dihydrotesterone (DHT) is why hair is all of a sudden apparent.

I won’t elaborate, but this also allows me to think about eyebrows that, as we age, seem to grow excessively and get out of control on some people – even to the degree of appearing to joining together to become one straight line across a person’s face. We often see this when we read the Sunday comics. While it may help a cartoonist’s bizarre imagination on paper, it certainly isn’t fun to the person it happens to.

While perhaps somewhat difficult to accomplish, ear hair can be trimmed with special scissors designed only for the ears or with the assistance of an electric ear hair razor. (What will they think of next?!) Beyond that, removal via laser treatment is also a consideration. I cannot fathom a trim and not cutting my ear or nose off in the process if I personally attempt hair removal so I can only hope readers will have someone assist them. As for me, I guess I’ll just be the fuzzy old geezer people snicker about as they pass me on the street.