That’s a lot of B12

DEAR DR. GOTT: I would like some information on anemia. After a blood test my doctor suggested I have B12 shots – five the first five days, then one a week for two weeks and finally one shot a month. I’m 69 years young.

DEAR READER: A person is diagnosed with anemia when he or she does not have sufficient healthy red blood cells to provide enough oxygen to the tissues of the body. The condition can be temporary or long-term and can range from mild to severe and can result from the body incorrectly destroying red blood cells, or because the body doesn’t make a sufficient quantity of them, or a bleed causes the loss faster than the body can replace them. Symptoms can be so mild they go unnoticed for an extended period of time; however, as the condition worsens, so do the signs of fatigue, shortness of breath, [Read more...]

Meds or alternatives for hand tremors?

DEAR DR. GOTT: Can you tell me if there is a safe and effective home remedy for hand tremors? My father is 69 years old and has stopped going to his doctor for his monthly B12 shots, which were given to reduce his hand tremors. I advised him to try drinking six to eight ounces of warm sage tea up to three times a day, but can you recommend something else that will work for him?

DEAR READER: While there is a genetic tendency, no one knows why tremors exist; however, they represent an abnormal communication between specific areas of the brain.
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