New onset allergy

DEAR DR. GOTT: What makes a person suddenly experience a severe reaction to penicillin? I was recently prescribed Augmentin (which I had been prescribed successfully six months earlier) and had a severe reaction within 20 minutes of taking it. My hands started itching and became red, my lips swelled and I kept blacking out. That was following by diarrhea and vomiting. I was home alone and so weak that I could not get to the phone to call 911. Luckily I could reach my Benadryl and was able to take two pills. I immediately began to feel better. I know that I am fortunate to be alive to write this letter. What I don’t understand is why I suddenly experienced an allergic reaction. And, a warning to everyone – do not take any medication if you are home alone!

DEAR READER: Before I get into your question, I would like to say given the description of your reaction, I believe you are extremely lucky to be alive. You were [Read more…]

Are candles, incense causes of illnesses?

DEAR DR. GOTT: Has there been a study on the effects of scented oils, burning candles and incense on the immune system? My son burns an array of these in his home and I was wondering if they contribute to his many colds and sore throats.

DEAR READER: I am unaware of any studies that were done to this effect; however, in my opinion, the answer is, yes, they can.

Many individuals used scented oils, candles and/or incense in their homes to mask unpleasant odors or simply because they smell nice. However, strong scents, especially if burned often, may cause congestion. Some individuals may also be sensitive, or even allergic to [Read more…]

No nuts for this reader

DEAR DR. GOTT: I suffered anaphylactic shock from hazelnuts and was advised not to eat any kind of nuts. Does this include palm oil, cocoa, pure maple syrup and coconut? It is hard enough to find powdered mixes without the facilities also processing nuts there. I also became very sick (vomited) after eating clams, so should I now avoid them and other types of shellfish? Thank you for any help you can give me.

DEAR READER: Let’s start with the clams, as this is the simplest question to answer. While you may have experienced an allergic reaction, it is more likely that you developed food poisoning from eating bad clams. An allergy to shellfish often includes swelling of the mouth, tongue, lips, throat and/or face — not simply vomiting.
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Perfume allergy difficult to handle

DEAR DR. GOTT: I am allergic to most perfumes. They send me into a coughing and gagging fit that takes at least five minutes outside in fresh air to calm down from. My throat is sore for an entire day, not to mention the labored breathing.

How do I get people to understand without causing them to become upset with me? Yes, they get upset because they are gagging me! I try to avoid perfume when I smell it, before I start having a problem, but this is not always possible. Any advice you can give me would be appreciated.
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Are chronic hives related to knee replacement?

DEAR DR. GOTT: I read your article about hives. The writer said her problem began after having bilateral knee replacements. I’m just wondering if the hives could be caused by an allergic reaction to any of the materials used in her knee replacements. Before my knee replacement, I was asked if I had any known allergies to metals, nickel in particular. I wish the writer the best and hope she has found the source of the problem.

DEAR READER: I am sure that the writer was also asked about any known allergies; however, perhaps the problem lies in something that she did not know. Nickel allergy is most commonly associated with jewelry, particularly inexpensive gold-plated pieces. If the reader doesn’t wear any or wears only high-quality jewelry, she may not have known. Allergies can also develop suddenly to substances that were previously handled without a problem.
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Can allergy cause sore throat, tiredness?

DEAR DR. GOTT: Last fall, I developed sporadic itching that turned into hives. After that, I felt ill with a sore throat, general weakness and fatigue after very little exercise. I read about a ragweed allergy and its relationship to certain foods. I eliminated them and feel better. Could these hives be related to allergies and food combinations? Is the sore throat and lethargy related to an allergy?

DEAR READER: Maybe. Ragweed allergy, commonly known as hay fever, presents with itchy eyes, scratchy throat, runny nose and fatigue but not generally hives. Food triggers include sunflower seeds, chamomile, cantaloupe, bananas and some honeys. [Read more…]