DEAR DR. GOTT: What makes a person suddenly experience a severe reaction to penicillin? I was recently prescribed Augmentin (which I had been prescribed successfully six months earlier) and had a severe reaction within 20 minutes of taking it. My hands started itching and became red, my lips swelled and I kept blacking out. That was following by diarrhea and vomiting. I was home alone and so weak that I could not get to the phone to call 911. Luckily I could reach my Benadryl and was able to take two pills. I immediately began to feel better. I know that I am fortunate to be alive to write this letter. What I don’t understand is why I suddenly experienced an allergic reaction. And, a warning to everyone – do not take any medication if you are home alone!
DEAR READER: Before I get into your question, I would like to say given the description of your reaction, I believe you are extremely lucky to be alive. You were [Read more…]