Patient took matters into his own hands

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Q: A number of years ago my husband was diagnosed with cellulitis. He suffered with this for 11 years, seeing at least four GPs and two infectious disease specialists in the process. The treatment was always antibiotics, the final one being Vancomycin, which he was given at least twice. Finally he consented to go to a clinic in New Orleans where a specialist told us we needed to look at prevention, not cure. She gave him a prescription for Bactrim in case he should need it and sent him to a dermatologist who told him that every day he should soak cotton balls in vinegar and insert them between his toes for about 20 minutes and then dry his feet with a blow dryer. She suggested he buy socks to wick away the moisture that allowed his skin to crack and bacteria to enter.

It worked well. The dermatologist then suggested he find another dermatologist nearer our home who could continue his care. He did and that person told him to use a different product that was horrible! His skin dried up, cracked, and formed a hard crust. So, my husband went back to the care recommended by the first dermatologist and within a few days his feet were healthy again. As long as he treats his feet every night, he has no problem but if he neglects treatment for even three or four days, the cellulitis flares up again. He gets chills and a fever and is so wiped out he sleeps for about 12 hours straight. He then takes the Bactrim until it gets rid of the infection.

I hope this remedy we found will help others.

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