No Flour, No Sugar Diet effectively satisfying

DEAR DR. GOTT: I finally tried your No, Flour, No Sugar diet to get rid of those last 10 to 15 pounds and am astonished at how good I feel. I have lost eight pounds in the past six weeks. The weight is coming off slowly, as it went on, and the best part is that I am never hungry. I am able to eat plenty of food to satisfy my hunger and never have that hypoglycemic feeling anymore. I am a 57-year-old woman who has been told I have insulin resistance. I will be interested to see how my fasting blood sugar and HbvA1c turn out at the next physical. The diet is so simple, requires little thought, simplifies food preparation, and easily adapts to meals out. I wish I had started this years ago. Thank you.

P.S. This is not intended for publication, just a note.

DEAR READER: With such a glowing report, I found it impossible not to put it in print to share with others who have problems losing weight. I will not reveal your name or email address. (I never put writers’ names or addresses in any of my columns). You are precise, articulate, and have experienced everything I stress about my diet. It is simple and easy to follow. As they say, slow and steady wins the race.

Americans have a tendency to gain weight, primarily because of making poor choices. We live in a fast-paced society. It’s often all we can do to get through the day. We end the day tired, stressed, stretched to the max, don’t want to eat alone, and are likely to stop at a fast-food chain on the way home from work. Eating makes us happy and sometimes more is better. In the long run, it’s easier, albeit very costly in the big picture. That expense is felt in our pocket books, but more importantly it is has a direct bearing on our health. Obesity-related medical costs continue to soar. Sugar levels may rise, blood pressure readings increase, cholesterol levels soar, and our entire bodies feel the burden.

As you succinctly pointed out, the weight comes on slowly. We don’t suddenly awaken to find we are carrying more pounds than may be good for our hearts. But, a pound here and a pound there is manageable — until that outfit in a closet that was an old standby no longer fits. The outfit? It’s perhaps costly, but certainly replaceable. The toll on your body, that’s a different issue.

Readers continue to write explaining that they can reduce or eliminate specific medications on my diet because those levels that were out of control are now back in line. This may be the case with your sugar levels. I’d be interested to know what happens at your next exam. After all, no one wants to remain on medication for the remainder of time and while reduction or elimination of all drugs may not be an option, in some instances it is a distinct possibility. So, keep up the good work. If you recognize it, others do, too. Talk about a win-win situation. Again, thanks for writing.

Other readers who are interested in a healthful weight reduction program can order my Health Report “Strategy for Losing Weight: Introduction to the No Flour, No Sugar Diet that is a prelude to my No Flour, No Sugar Diet Book and my No Flour, No Sugar Cookbook. Simply send a self-addressed, stamped number 10 envelope and a $2 US check or money order for the Health Report or $10 for each book to my attention at P. O. Box 433, Lakeville, CT 06039. Be sure to mention the title when writing or print out an order form from my website