Miranel helps persistent nail fungus

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DEAR DR. GOTT: I had used every nail fungus treatment under the sun, plus vinegar, Vicks VapoRub, bleach, you name it. Like other readers, the Miranel finally worked. It was a little more expensive but I had been dealing with the nail fungus for over two years and was sick of it. Within a week I started seeing results. That has been at least two years. It took a few months for the new nail to grow out good but the results were almost immediate. Thank you.

DEAR READER: I have written about Miranel several times in the past. It is an over-the-counter topical medication used in the treatment of certain infections, such as ringworm, athlete’s foot and nail fungus.

Many of my readers have written in questioning whether or not to use it for their nail fungus, because the packaging clearly states “This product is not effective on the scalp or nails”. This is somewhat misleading because nail fungus doesn’t actually infect the nail, rather it infects the nail bed under the nail which is what causes the distinctive thickening, yellow, peeling nails associated with the condition. So while Miranel won’t change the look of the nail, it will, for many sufferers, clear up the infection under and around the nail which allows new, healthy nails to grow in.

Other nail fungus remedies commonly used by readers which, unfortunately, for you were ineffective, include applying mentholated chest rub around and under the nail twice daily, applying a vinegar or bleach soaked cotton ball to the affected nail once or twice a day, and more. Physicians can prescribe oral medication but these carry potentially serious side effects and can be ridiculously expensive.

I am glad that you found a product that finally worked for you. As with most products or home remedies that I pass on in my column, I try to remind user that they won’t work for everyone. It is also important to speak with your physician before beginning any medication/herb/supplement, topical, oral, over-the-counter remedy or otherwise to ensure that the risk of side effects and drug interactions are kept to a minimum.

Readers who are interested in learning more about home remedies can order my Health Reports “Dr. Gott’s Compelling Home Remedies” and “More Compelling Home Remedies” by sending a self-addressed stamped number 10 envelope and $2 (for each report) to Dr. Peter Gott, PO Box 433, Lakeville, CT 06039. Be sure to mention the title(s) or print an order form from my website, www.AskDrGottMD.com.