Back Talk

Summer fun is here and so is summer yard work. Be kind to your spine and take the proper precautions when working hard in your back yard.

First, hydrate. Your body is 70% water and your nervous system is 90% water. Water feeds your body, discs, ligaments and joints.

Position yourself properly. Being bent over, kneeling for long periods of time or lifting and hauling heavy objects can put a strain on your back, shoulders and neck. Bend your knees when lifting; use a kneeling board or stool; and get help with the big stuff.

Rest. Take breaks. Stretch before any strenuous activity and in-between doing them. Warming up your muscles can significantly reduce your chance of injuring yourself. The job may take you a little longer, but your back will thank you in the lung run.

And, finally — get adjusted. Visit your local chiropractor to realign your spine and get that much-needed muscle work done to balance out all that summer “fun”.

People too often put more care and attention into their cars and homes than their own bodies. We only have one and if you take care of yours, it will take care of you.

Monica S. Nowak, DC
Chiropractic Center of Canaan
176 Ashley Falls Road
Canaan, CT 06018
860 824-0748

Above article reprinted with permission from Monica S. Nowak, DC