DEAR DR. GOTT: I am disabled with extensive nerve damage from liver failure. I have a lot of problems. Just in the past few months, I’ve had spells where I yawn constantly. The problem usually starts shortly after I wake up, but it also happens later in the day. They aren’t wimpy little yawns, either, but those that start in your toes and gather momentum as they head north. By the time they reach my head, my mouth is wide open and I’m stretching my jaw as far as I can. This may go on for hours and simply wears me out, not to mention that it kinda hurts. Any ideas?
DEAR READER: Unless performed intentionally, yawning is an involuntary action involving many body parts. The mouth opens, the jaw drops, abdominal muscles flex, lungs expand, the diaphragm is pushed down, heart rate increases, and muscles and joints flex. [Read more...]