DEAR DR. GOTT: I am a healthy and active 67-year-old male. Several years ago I developed psoriasis on my right forearm, left ankle and other minor places on my chest and back. I went to my family doctor who prescribed a cream (hydrocortisone). The irritations receded but did not go away. I also went to see a skin specialist who prescribed a stronger cream which also did not improve the problem much.
About four months ago I started counting my vitamin C intake. Since I exercise a lot (usually 16-20 hours of vigorous exercise per week by climbing, swimming, biking and cross-country skiing), I became concerned about taking enough vitamin C. After counting my amount, I was surprised to find that it came out to 3000% of the recommended daily dose. I decided to cut back to 1000% and within five days all my skin irritations were gone.
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