Pleasing everyone is impossible

DEAR DR. GOTT: In regards to the person who was irritated because he or she thinks your answers are too long, thus he or she did not enjoy your column as much as when the answers were shorter, I think if this person wants only short answers, he or she should get a medical encyclopedia.

I hope you keep your answers just as they are. This person obviously does not have a serious health issue right now or has not had a health concern, whereas many letter writers have suffered for months, if not years, and are still suffering after seeing many doctors and specialists without relief.
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Keep it short, sweetie!

DEAR DR. GOTT: Your column was so much better when you gave short answers to questions. You answered a lot more questions, which we all like, so why did you change? Be short and to the point, and thank you for listening.

DEAR READER: Thank you for your comments. There are times when I think readers might be interested in a better understanding of why a condition occurs, and in discovering ways to correct medical problems. That requires more in-depth information than can be provided in a few sentences. I’ll do my best to reach a happy medium by being as brief as possible. Congratulations — today is dedicated to you.