DEAR DR. GOTT: I have several spots on my arms and legs that look like ringworms but I don’t have a clue where I got them. I have been putting Lamisil, athlete’s products on them. They don’t itch but are just round, red, scaly patches. How long do I keep applying the Lamisil? Is there anything else I can try? How long does it take to get rid of them? My doctor wrote a prescription but it was $147 and I can’t afford that. I am 60 years old and on a fixed income. I have a small dog but how do I know if I got them from her? She doesn’t scratch and appears to be in perfect health. I have a new grand baby and am afraid to touch her. Any advice would be very much appreciated. Thank you.
DEAR READER: As I am sure you are aware, ringworm is not caused by “worms”, but is rather a fungal infection of the skin. [Read more...]