DEAR DR. GOTT: I am a 70-year-old woman who developed shingles on my right leg last June and am now left with neuropathy. It went from the middle of my leg all the way down to my foot and toes. I was immediately put on an antiviral and a prednisone pack, so the doctor was surprised that I developed post-herpetic neuralgia. My leg and foot are completely numb and I cannot bend the right foot upward, so I wear a boot and go from a wheelchair to crutches and then to bed. It is causing excruciating pain.
I have seen two neurologists, who both ordered MRIs of my spine, an EMG and nerve conduction tests. Both dismissed me, saying there is nothing more they can do for me. The last neurologist suggested I see a pain management doctor. I saw one two weeks ago and am getting epidurals in my spine. The first one didn’t help, so I am hoping to get some relief with the second one, because as soon as I can get out of some of this pain, I can try a physical therapist to help me walk with this dropped foot.
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