DEAR DR. GOTT: If whole, unpeeled onions are placed in a bowl around a room, will this keep people from catching the flu or any other contagious virus? This is an old wives tale but is there any truth to it?
DEAR READER: The reported virtues of onions as reported by old wives and ancient cultures are countless. An onion is extremely low in calories and fats, yet rich in soluble dietary fiber. The particular fiber in an onion MAY LOWER your chances for stroke, heart attack and heart failure. I’m not sure here who knocks door to door to take a census of onion eaters, but that is an issue for another day! Studies reveal that two phyto-chemical compounds convert to allicin when the bulb is crushed, cut, cubed, or sliced. And, it’s these compounds that are believed to have anti-diabetic properties and protect people from cancer and hypertension. [Read more...]