DEAR DR. GOTT: I am a 73-year-old female who is suffering from shingles night and day. This has gone on for about seven weeks now and I am really depressed and miserable. I was diagnosed early and was put on an anti-viral medication (Valtrex) within two days of the first pains. I have a red, blotchy band from the navel to the spine. It has gotten a lighter pink. A weird fact to anyone I’ve asked is, nobody seems to know why I have not had any blisters, just the red. The most painful spot is on my rib, right under my right breast.
I have tried several pain medications including Oxycodone, Tylenol Extra Strength, lidocaine patches which seemed to help a bit at first but irritate my skin now, ice cubes wrapped in a soft cloth, and amitriptyline. [Read more...]