DEAR DR. GOTT: My son was diagnosed with MS about two years ago. Then the doctor wasn’t sure. Of all the tests taken, the MRI of the brain showed white spots which she says indicate MS. He just went for a six month checkup and again she said “I just don’t think you have MS but yes, you do. The MRI shows it.”
He is taking Rebif which you know is very expensive ($2,600 a month, which is outrageous). She told him he could quit his medicine and take a chance of getting worse or stay on it but he might not need it.
Question. What is he to do with a doctor who talks like that? He has to have help with his medicine because he/we are not wealthy enough to pay for it. Also, he cannot afford another MRI and doesn’t want the needle in his back again. The symptoms he was experiencing were numbness [Read more...]