Unknown illness may be Lyme

DEAR DR. GOTT: Several years ago I became ill with an unknown virus. I had flu-like symptoms along with a strange twitching almost like I was shivering all the time. This progressed to full-blown myoclonic tremors and went to my brain causing encephalitis. I wound up with damage to the vagus nerve and gastroparesis. It’s been seven years and I continue to suffer from the damage caused by the virus. I had a spinal tap several months after the virus struck but it was clear so no other tests were done. It was assumed to be insect-borne as they tend to cross the blood-brain barrier.

I seem to have relapses and get worse, as if this virus is still in my system (like malaria). Is this possible? After each relapse, I seem to have more difficulty functioning mentally. Neurological tests have confirmed deficits, particularly psychomotor slowing, memory coding, attention and details. [Read more...]