Low blood pressure caused by heart

DEAR DR. GOTT: I am writing you in desperation about my low blood pressure. I know very little about low BP and your “browse-by-topic” has very little to help my problem. I am 83, male, 216 pounds. I use prescriptions for a poor prostate only. I have always been quite active and strong.

For around three years now, I have been taking my own BP readings. Most all of them are too low. My doctor doesn’t seem to want to talk about this, yet if I walk only a matter of a 100 feet, I feel like I’m going to faint. I am so weak I need to sit down. I feel like I can do anything sitting down. I now use an electric scooter when shopping. Also, my heart skips a beat every few beats.
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Lifestyle changes may remedy high BP

DEAR DR. GOTT:During a physical in 2004 it was discovered that I have high blood pressure. I was placed on 80 mgs of Diovan twice a day. In May of 2006 I had my right carotid artery operated on. I had to stay an extra day because my BP wouldn’t go above 86. I was then placed on Toprol XL 25 mg. After several weeks I started to get dizzy and lightheaded. I was told to monitor my pressure which I do. I take it in both arms. My concern is low blood pressure. For example, 103/53 in my left arm and 101/61 in my right arm, 115/50 in my left and 77/44 in my right and 77/38 in my left and 62/43 in my right. One day when I took it at noon, it was 146/59 in my left arm and 105/60 in my right arm. Ten minutes later, the left side was down to 120/55. After having a hamburger and two cups of coffee, my left arm was 96/54 and my right was 60/42.
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