Daily Column

I was recently put on Lipitor for high cholesterol. I developed awful leg cramps. My doctor reduced the dose, so I take one pill every other day. My pain has decreased in frequency but hasn‘t disappeared. Would you associate the pain with the medication? The leg pain was tied to my sciatic nerve.

Lipitor has been connected with severe leg cramps and pain that can appear anywhere in the body, but most commonly in the calf muscles that are used so often.

Co-Q10 is a naturally occurring enzyme in the body. Reports have revealed a deficiency of more than 50% in less than a month by those patients on Lipitor. The deficiency causes pain. Therefore, I recommend you purchase [Read more...]

Daily Column

I am a 77-year-old healthy male. I am not overweight.

In 2002 my doctor put me on Lipitor. At the time my cholesterol readings were: total 143, HDL 43, LDL, 87, triglycerides 63 and ratio 3.3. Now my readings are: total 93, HDL 45, LDL 39, triglycerides 45 and ratio 2.1.

I have done a lot of research and feel I should not have been put on Lipitor. I am now concerned that my very low cholesterol levels may be dangerous. Can the Lipitor and low cholesterol have caused damage to my body?

I do not know why your doctor would have put you on a cholesterol lowering medication with your 2002 numbers. Your numbers were even below levels recommended by cardiologists for patients with a history of stroke and heart attack. They were way below recommended levels for average people. [Read more...]

Sunday Column

After being told that his cholesterol was elevated, my 70-year-old husband was given a prescription for Lipitor. Before filling it, he researched the side effects first and then opted for red yeast rice instead. After nearly two months on the medication, he had a Transient Global Amnesia (TGA) episode. It lasted most of the day and he had no idea that he had asked the same question over and over. He also couldn’t recall what he had done the day before, what he planned to do later that day and when it was over he couldn’t remember what had happened but knew something was wrong. He saw his doctor who assured him that he did not have a mini-stroke and again prescribed Lipitor.

After doing another internet search, this time on TGA episodes, [Read more...]

Daily Column

In a past column you recommended replacing Lipitor with either omega-3 fish oil capsules or niacin. I have elected to try the niacin. You said to START with 500 milligrams per day and I have done this for a couple of weeks. Now I want to increase the dosage but don’t know what to increase it to. Should I go to 1000, 1500 or 2000 mg? Maybe more? Also, how long should I stay on the niacin? I would also like to know your opinion on red yeast rice. I have noticed that you don’t mention it.

Niacin is an excellent alternative choice for lowering cholesterol levels. I often recommend patients to start with a relatively low-dose of 250-500 mg daily and then slowly work up to 1000-1500 mg daily, usually in increments of 250 mg. This is primarily to allow the body to become accustomed to the vitamin and reduce the chance of side effects, namely, flushing. [Read more...]

Daily Column

During my last visit to my physician, I commented that since taking Lipitor I have had sleepless nights. He recommended I start taking it in the morning rather than before bedtime as I had been. I am willing to do this as long as the drug will be as effective if I take it in the morning.

Lipitor will work the same regardless of what time of day it is taken or even if it is taken with or without food. In my experience most physicians recommend some medications be taken in the morning and others at night simply to reduce the number of pills taken simultaneously and to reduce the chance of drug interactions. If your physician has said you can safely take the Lipitor in the morning, I recommend you take his advice. If that fails to stop the sleeplessness, perhaps you could successfully be switched to another cholesterol lowering medication. [Read more...]

Daily Column

What are statins and how do I know if the pills I take are statins? What are they for and what are the side effects?

Statin drugs are effective in lowering cholesterol levels and reducing the risk of heart attack and death in patients with known coronary artery disease. Lipitor (atorvastatin), Lescol (fluvastatin), Mevacor (lovastatin), Pravachol (pravastatin), Zocor (simvastatin), and Crestor (rosuvastatin) fall into the statin category. If you are on any of these medications, you are taking a statin.

The most common side effects are elevated liver enzymes and leg cramping. If you are on a statin, your doctor should schedule periodic laboratory testing to determine if your levels are within normal limits. If the cholesterol level remains high despite the medication or the liver enzymes start to rise to dangerous levels, he or she will likely make a determination [Read more...]

Daily Column

My husband has an unusual condition which none of his physicians have been able to diagnose or treat successfully.

He is 57, has had two heart attacks but is now healthy and has a low blood pressure. He is on Zetia, Benecar, Lipitor, aspirin and Effexor.

His problem is that when he lies on his left side, he hears a pulsating blood flow noise in his right ear. It has the same timing as his heart beat. If he turns his head to the right or lies on his right side the noise stops. Occasionally it happens while he is standing or sitting upright. It is not debilitating but is very irritating to him. If he presses on the carotid artery, the sound stops but resumes once he releases the pressure. He cannot remember if this started before or after his heart attacks.

His hearing has been checked and is normal.

We would both appreciate any suggestions you may have. He claims he will even sleep with a bar of soap under his neck if it will help.

A noise in the neck that stops when pressure is applied to the carotid artery suggests that there may be blockage in that artery.

This possibility can be very dangerous. If left untreated, the blockage will get larger and may severely reduce or stop blood flow through the artery. A piece may also break off and be carried to the brain where it could lead to stroke.

Therefore, I recommend that your husband ask his physician to order a carotid ultrasound. It is safe and easy. This will diagnose a blockage if one is present.

If, as I suspect, your husband has a blockage, treatment will depend on the severity. He will most likely need to start anticoagulant therapy such as warfarin (Coumadin). He may also benefit from a procedure called angioplasty that uses a balloon-like device to break up the blockage and restore blood flow.

Your husband’s cardiologist is the best source for more information about causes and possible treatment options. I suggest you start with him or her and bring along a copy of my response to your letter. Let me know how this turns out.

To give you related information, I am sending you copies of my Health Reports “Coronary Artery Disease” and “Stroke”. Other readers who would like copies should send a self-addressed, stamped number 10 envelope and $2 FOR EACH report to Newsletter, PO Box 167, Wickliffe, OH 44092. Be sure to mention the title(s).

Add niacin only with physician approval

DEAR DR. GOTT: I am writing concerning the letter a gentleman wrote regarding his wife’s high triglyceride level. He said that when she started with a niacin regimen, her triglyceride level was lowered considerably. He did not mention whether she was on any prescription medication during this time.

I take Lipitor for high cholesterol and high triglyceride levels and would like to try this approach. However, since niacin can cause side effects, I don’t want to try it until I know it will not adversely interact with the Lipitor. Any thoughts on this?
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High cholesterol helped by low fat diet

DEAR DR. GOTT: My husband has high cholesterol and his doctor at the clinic said that if he couldn’t get it down on his own and refused to take medication, he wanted him to sign a release stating this fact. The doctor told him to take niacin and drink a half glass of red wine each night to help lower his levels. My husband thinks this is enough but continues to eat a great deal of cheese, bacon and salami. I’m afraid for him. Am I justified?

DEAR READER: Unfortunately, yes. However, your husband appears to be willing to make some modifications. He has taken a step in the right direction by using niacin. For appropriate benefits from this vitamin, he should be taking 1000-1500 mg every day (500-750 mg twice daily works best).
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